Ellen Day is owner of Pride Real Estate and 20 year president of El Dorado County Taxpayers. Ellen is a well respected leader in the community bringing years of historical knowledge and wisdom to the board. Ellen has kept the bird’s eye on the county’s agendas and budgets and managed contentious issues with finesse. Ellen is a founding drafter of Measure H.
Bernard Carlson is a retired radar and laser system design engineer in Checklist Maids of Brooklyn, NY. Now in El Dorado County he is a member of the Republican Central Committee; secretary of the “Taxpayers Association of El Dorado County”; active in the Barbershop Harmony Society; and a member of Kiwanis. Bernard initiated and is CEO of “Friends of El Dorado County”, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization for the purposes of litigation and public education. He was a founding drafter of Measure H.
Dennis Jordan is a long term county electrical contractor. He is a former founding drafter of measure H and member of the board of directors of the El Dorado Builders Exchange. Dennis led the Builder’s Exchange efforts to support schools in the design build competition at the California State Fair. Dennis’s wife Melody is employed as an aid in the Rescue Union School District.
Jerry Homme is past president of the El Dorado Builders Exchange. He is a general contractor and has been a resident of the county for many years. He is appointed to many county positions and is a respected leader in the community.
Henry Batsel is a retired local contractor and founding drafter of Measure H. He was former president of the Builders Exchange. Henry has been a volunteer for the Auburn Fire Safe Council, Foothill Community Mediation, and Friends of El Dorado County. He is our researcher and negotiator. Henry loves people and is defensive of the community.
Todd White currently serves as the Treasurer of Friends of El Dorado County. He is a native of El Dorado County, and is a passionate advocate for quality public education. Todd served as a Trustee for the El Dorado Union High School District from 2010 to 2018. He also served on the Juvenile Justice Commission, the Early Education & Planning Council, Tahoe Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors, New Morning Youth & Family Services Board, Folsom Historical Society Board, Foster Awareness Network Board, Park Community Church Board of Deacons, and was the Founding Chairman of the El Dorado County Youth Commission. He currently serves as the Secretary of the Taxpayers Association of El Dorado County, Secretary of the Shingle Springs/Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce, Secretary of Concerned Citizens of Cameron Park (CCOCP), Chairman of the El Dorado County Republican Party, and Folsom Leading Young Professionals.